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June Newsletter

Servant Ministries, Inc. Issue No. 229 Ira & Judy Milligan

The Prophet’s


Multiple Witnesses

When Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s two prophetic dreams that foretold the future economic conditions of Egypt, he explained to the king why God had given him the same message twice: “And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass” (Gen. 41:32).

Although God used different symbols in each dream, Joseph realized that both dreams contained the same message. Regardless of how God speaks (dreams, visions, prophecy, the written word, etc.) He never changes. He still speaks the same way today as He did then. Paul told the Corinthians, “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established” (2 Cor. 13:1).

Every doctrine in Scripture is established using this important principle of multiple witnesses. In fact, although their may be some minor exceptions to the rule, our friend Al Houghton teaches that God has established every doctrine in the Bible using a sevenfold formula: (1) first, they are found in “seed form” in Genesis; (2) second, they are expounded upon and expanded in Moses’ law; (3) then illustrated in one or more of the historical books— Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Acts, etc.; (4) confirmed by the prophets; (5) and by Psalms and/or the two books of wisdom (Proverbs and Ecclesiastes); (6) sanctioned by Christ in the Gospels; (7) and lastly, by the Apostles in the epistles.

Although I don’t think the primary reason God told me to write on the subject of multiple witnesses is to teach about tithing, this controversial doctrine is a good example to use to teach this principle. Because tithing was required in Moses’ law, many theologians teach that it does not apply to the church. Nevertheless, tithing is well established and confirmed by using this sevenfold formula—see Gen. 14:20; Lev. 27:30; 2 Chron. 31:5; Prov. 3:9; Mal. 3:8-10; Matt. 23:23; Heb. 7:8. (As for it being rejected because it is required in the law, so is loving your neighbor! So, are we supposed to reject that, too?)

Is tithing required for salvation? Certainly not! Then should we pay tithes? Only if you want to receive the promised benefits! And what are the benefits? First, there is the overall blessing that comes from willing obedience, regardless of what doctrine you are obeying. Isaiah said, “If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land” (Isa. 1:19). Be careful not to reason your way out of obeying God and miss out on His promised blessings!

In addition to the overall reward for being obedient, God gives us some very specific promises that we can claim if we tithe. He said that He would open the windows of Heaven and pour out spiritual blessings in abundance and while He was at it, He would rebuke the devourer of our substance—so I would say, yes, it is certainly beneficial to pay tithes. I have done so for many years and can testify from personal experience that it is very beneficial to obey God— including obeying the doctrine of tithing. Our life is a continual testimony of God’s faithfulness to keep His word. Our finances are sufficient. Our health (at 75 years old) is excellent. Our land, including our pond, fruit trees and plants, are flourishing. God is faithful to keep His covenant promises. We should be faithful and careful to keep our end of the covenant too!

As for who we should pay our tithes to, the Bible teaches that tithes serve two specific purposes. Their stated purpose is to support ministry and to help the pour so that should be our guidelines. Of course, in the final analysis it is God’s money so we should pay them to whomever He tells us to! Personally, many years ago (because of our traveling ministry), He instructed me to pay my tithes to missionaries but in most cases they should go to your local church or whoever you receive your spiritual counsel from.

You may be asking (if you are in the ministry), should you pay them to yourself? Personally, I don’t think that is a wise thing to do.

Enough about tithing. Back to the primary purpose for writing this article, establishing doctrine through multiple witnesses. If this “test” is applied to any questionable doctrine, it will confirm its validity or easily expose its error. The Pentecostal holiness doctrine of women not being allowed to cut their hair is a prime example. It is only mentioned by one witness in the entire Bible (1 Cor. 11:5-6,15). It utterly fails the test!

“Helping Hands”

You guys are a blessing! We had several donate toward getting the new book published and one person ordered one for himself and bought five more for me to give to those who couldn’t afford them (we sent them to five pastors in Zambia Africa that we have connections with). On behalf of both them and us, Thanks, fellows!

Prayer Partners’ Update

Help us pray for the new book to have wide, enthusiastic reception. I think the revelations that this book contains makes it the most important book that I’ve ever written, even more important than the books on dream interpretation!

The Church Triumphant

Limited Time – Special Price

For a limited time I am absorbing the S&H charges and offering my new book, The Church Triumphant, for only $14.95. As I mentioned last month, this book is about the Kingdom of God. It reveals many mysteries that God gave to the early church but were lost as the centuries progressed. God is presently restoring those lost truths! You can order a copy at this price from me by phone, mail or on-line (ordering instructions are in the center column).

Tentative 2017 Schedule

  • Aug 11-13, Moss Hill, Texas

Lighthouse Church of Moss Hill


Servant Ministries Inc.

PO Box 1120, Tioga, LA 71477

Ph. (318) 640-6993

Email Address & Web Page

Books by Ira Milligan


In stock, ready to ship now!

The Church Triumphant

Strategies for War ($14.95)

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams

You Dream

Biblical Keys for Hearing God’s

Voice in the Night ($22.95)

Understanding the Dreams

You Dream

Biblical Keys for Hearing God’s

Voice in the Night ($17.95)

Understanding the Dreams

You Dream, Vol. II

Every Dreamer’s Handbook ($16.95)

The Four Winds

(formally EUROCLYDON) ($10.95)

Rightly Dividing the Word

A Comprehensive Guide to understanding the Scriptures ($12.95)

The Master’s Voice

A Guide to Personal Ministry ($12.95)

The Hidden Power of Covenant

Releasing the Fullness of the

Blessing of the Gospel ($10.95)

Understanding Bible Mysteries

Examining 13 Christian Myths ($12.95)

The Scorpion Within

Illustrating the Wheel of Nature ($17.95)

Hidden Mysteries of the Bible, I

52 Lesson Foundational

Bible Study Course ($17.95)

Hidden Mysteries of the Bible II

52 Lesson Advanced

Bible Study Course ($17.95)

(Order both Volumes for $29.95)

We offer these books on our web site:

Price includes S&H. Credit cards are accepted (call or go online to place credit card orders). To order

by mail, make checks payable to

Servant Ministries, Inc.


Determines Meaning

Another important rule to use when interpreting Scripture, besides the rule of multiple witnesses discussed above, is context determines meaning. One can easily to be misled if the word is taken out of its proper context. The above mentioned “long hair” doctrine is a prime example. By failing to adhere to the rule of multiple witnesses, those who teach it have also failed to recognize Paul’s real intent in discussing covering (and not covering) one’s head in the first place. Almost the entire eleventh chapter of First Corinthians is about having and keeping a clear conscious, including the verses about hair length.

For instance, Paul said, “Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? (1 Cor. 11:14). Paul’s use of the word nature refers to the conscience, as in Romans 2:14. Almost all sin, regardless of what form it takes, defiles the conscience. For example, for many years women who were pregnant out of wedlock were ashamed and tried to hide their sin. Likewise, homosexuals were ashamed until the collective conscious of society became so seared that they felt safe in defying their own conscience and “coming out of the closet”.

In First Corinthians 11:28, in Paul’s instructions on taking communion, he warned the Corinthians to search their conscience before taking it so they wouldn’t be chastened by the Lord (remember, sexual sin was in the Corinthian church): “For if we would judge ourselves [by examining our conscience and repenting of anything that convicts us], we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world” (1 Cor. 11:31-32).

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